Stop chasing sleep—let it come to you

Coach Alina's profile picture

Hi! I’m Alina

I’m here to make the path to peaceful sleep more accessible and understandable.

  • Former insomniac
  • Creator of Fearless Sleep YouTube channel
  • Writer of Fearless Sleep Letters
  • Insomnia recovery advocate
  • Certified sleep coach by The Sleep Coach School
Illustration of a frustrated person lying in bed, unable to sleep, with a thought bubble showing a clock and question marks, representing insomnia and sleep anxiety.

As someone who has experienced the vicious cycle of insomnia, I know one thing for sure: insomnia sucks. It seems to dominate our lives, making sleep our number one priority. We constantly think about sleep, worry about it, and do our best to solve this issue, only to find ourselves trapped in a loop of thoughts and fears… still unable to sleep.

When I talk about insomnia, I’m referring to sleep anxiety, the fear of sleeplessness, and the fear of wakefulness. 

Insomnia is not just about the act of sleeping; it encompasses how we think, feel, and behave in relation to sleep and wakefulness. In other words, our relationship with sleep creates a self-perpetuating pattern of insomnia. And when we break free from that pattern, we find ourselves more at peace… and that’s when we start experiencing sleep as we have always known it.

It’s not a quick fix; it’s a bumpy journey. However, the journey is completely worth it.

How I can support you

I publish a lot of free content where I share my best insights, learnings and personal experience with insomnia. Many people benefit from these resources alone.

If you need extra support, encouragement, or simply someone to talk to about your journey, you can consider individual online calls.

Hand-drawn YouTube play button icon with a black triangle inside a rectangle, representing video content.

Fearless Sleep YouTube channel

From time to time I make video content on the most relevant topics related to insomnia and sleep anxiety. Subscribe to my channel and stay tuned for more good stuff!

Hand-drawn envelope icon with a black heart seal, symbolizing email subscription.

Fearless Sleep Letters

Very personal and warm newsletter for those who want to go deeper and understand the tiniest nuances of the recovery journey. I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback from my readers, so make sure you check it out!

Black and gray chat bubble icons with three dots, representing one-on-one calls or direct communication.

1-1 calls

Sometimes we can get stuck on the journey and that’s normal. Having someone to talk to about this and get a fresh perspective can accelerate the process. This is why I offer individual support in a form of 1-1 mentoring calls.

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